When Is the Best Time to Visit an Indoor Snow Centre?

If you are learning to ski or snowboard or you just want to enjoy some time on the snow then a visit to one of the UK’s indoor slopes is a great idea. The only trouble is that time on the snow can be costly and you just might find that plenty of other people have had the same idea that you have! Indoor slopes are relatively small and a crowded piste and long queues for the lifts does not make for the perfect visit. Continue reading When Is the Best Time to Visit an Indoor Snow Centre?

What is really in your Shopping?

I have come to find it astonishing how many products are thrown into supermarket trolleys every week without anyone seemingly giving a moment’s thought to what is actually in them. I even find myself watching other shopper’s conveyor belts to marvel at the assorted items of processed food wandering inevitably towards their bags and then their stomachs. Continue reading What is really in your Shopping?

My First Jeans

To say that my parents were not style conscious would be a massive understatement! They had no interest in fashion and so I arrived at my teenage years with a terrible wardrobe that was in danger of turning me into a laughing stock. However, becoming a teenage meant that I could start to earn my own money and gain a little independence and one of the first things I resolved to do was buy a pair of jeans. Continue reading My First Jeans

The X Factor 2014

I have always loved the X Factor for the entertainment value. Sadly the first ten years of the show had failed to serve up anyone whose music I would buy or who I would ever pay to see. Nonetheless, watching the auditions always threw up countless memorable moments and I loved the drama of the live shows. I was beginning to wonder if there would ever be an act that I genuinely loved though. Continue reading The X Factor 2014

The Show on the Snow

Despite being an active, sporty person and absolutely loving spending time in the mountains, I shied away from taking up snow sports until I was nearly 50. There were two principle reasons for this. One was the huge costs involved and the other was the sport’s reputation for posing. Funding a skiing trip would be hard enough but then shelling out huge amounts of money on the clothing seemed like adding insult to injury. Continue reading The Show on the Snow

Jeans and the Question of Size

For most people jeans are a firm favourite and wardrobe staple that they simply wouldn’t want to be without. Durable, versatile and always in fashion, jeans are the casual uniform of the modern world and have even crept into the workplace. There are so many styles available that there is something to suit all tastes and I am tempted to say all figures but perhaps that could just be a bit of wishful thinking. Continue reading Jeans and the Question of Size